Wordpress Website SEO Tutorial Before you do anything go to setting and tab Permalinks. Change this from Default to Post name. To include the category, you select “Custom Structure” and change the value to /%category%/%postname%/. If you previously had ?p=<postid> as your permalink WordPress will take care of all the… Read More
[caption id="attachment_18196" align="alignleft" width="285"] When selecting a domain name[/caption] Things to remember when selecting a domain name   Quick Summary Keep it Easy to Type. Finding a domain name that's easy to type (and remember) is critical to online success. (Return clients are loyal clients). Keep it Short. If your… Read More
Delete a file or folder from your Server with ftp Client with pictures. It free's up valuable server space and allows for further development of you website. Open FileZilla and connect to your server using your ftp host address, ftp username and ftp password. Available from your hosting company. Navigate… Read More